



Build Trust By Understanding Consumer Language

Friday, 11 December 2020 | December 11, 2020 WIB Last Updated 2021-04-08T03:45:36Z
S ne of the tips for online sales , is how we translate product features, product benefits into language that can be easily understood by the target market.

This is suitable for those of you who are pursuing online sales activities.

Yes, we can apply this principle in building a blog or selling website, so that people who are visiting will feel at home and linger over our web pages.

The trick is to build interactions through writing as if we were in conversation with consumers.

Read more : how to learn english languange easier

Talk about what the visitor wants, what their needs are, and what problems they might be having.

Provide useful information about the product you are talking about in the blog post.

Give solutions to people who are currently having problems.

Over time, people who are reading our blog posts will begin to believe and be interested in the "personality" of our blog.

So remember, the main purpose of understanding the language of consumers, which is to provide useful information for web visitors, in the hope that sales can occur.

The important point, give the benefits first, then focus on the merchandise so that it sells.

Hopefully inspire.